Finalized A-Levels

I’ve finally decided on all of my subjects this year and I’m doing:

English Literature- possibly my favourite subject and definitely the most interesting, however I will be lost without you, P, and although your entries in my dictionary will keep me entertained, the void of your dry sense of humor will never be filled.

Law- I will never quite be able to shake the image of us both studying criminal law at King’s College, so I figure, why not keep the dream alive for a few more years? Also need to keep up with my fight for my rights.

Maths (statistics)- at my core I adore all things logical and number-related, and even though I cry when I don’t understand things, I have a feeling A-Level Maths is going to really challenge me and keep me on my toes this year!

Computing- as a total technology lover, and the daughter of a data analyst, computers have always felt like home to me, and now I can learn to do super awesome stuff like coding! We need to get started on that Raspberry Pi!

So,  I think I’ve picked four subjects I’m really passionate about, and hopefully I’m going to be able to take Russian in my free time, which will be absolutely beyond awesome as I feel Russian is a part of my soul now. Nobody can replace our beautiful Mr D, alas.

~Lady Rainicorn