School supercedes Social-life

Wow, it’s been too long… too, too long. School started, and then everything went to HELL. (Not that I had a social life before.. but…)

Also, I mean, I’ve got Lady R onto the otaku ship, so… Ouran HSHC every Friday night over Skype – we read it and fangirl, what can I say? I’m a good friend, I know.

Then, we had a sleepover for her birthday, and it turned into a ‘LET’S WATCH LOTS OF ANIME ALL DAY-DAY!’ A feel of it would be… Watching: Ouran HSHC, including the English dub bloopers (the only thing good about the English dub compared to the Japanese), Ghost Hunt (it was near Halloween and we turned off the lights…), Free! (because it’s Summer and light-hearted and now Lady R ships MakoHaru!),Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (it’s hilarious) and Shingeki no Kyojin (most epic anime of all time… and I’ve watched a lot of anime)!

otaku and proud

So.. the overall reaction was good, and honestly I was just happy to have an otaku friend… *sniffs*, it’s hard when your friends don’t appreciate the finer things in life like anime… And  just you wait Lady R… Ereri will be a thing for sure! *cue evil laughter* Hint: we just need to watch a little more SnK.

gaze intent Just looook at them *coughs* where was I?

So, essentially, between school, Access to… schemes, tests, and Fangirling to keep myself sane. The blog has turned into a neglected Animal Crossing town… overrun by weeds… (copyright amazing metaphor much?!)

How do I rectify this? Well, we’re doing a lot of wider reading for the English scheme at AtB, and waddya know? Lady R has taken up the challenge of NaNoWriMo… soo, WATCH THIS SPACE.

May the odds be ever in your favour (because Catching Fire is coming out soon),

~ Persephone

Hunger Games

First week in the Underworld

R.I.P Gilbert

So, what has gone on lately?

Sooo, sooo much.

First of all, my friend who lives in another country is coming on a plane, to England tomorrow. *squels* A cyber best friend is no good when all you want to do is fangirl and hug and cry together about all the shit in your fandom. *deep breath* But sooon we’ll have our time.

hell yeah

English. This is tough. I’m considering basing my whole future on this subject. And so far, I’m liking one teacher more than the other. I enjoy lessons about Victorian context, poetry, plays and novels – over Fingersmith our set text. O__O I know… It’s hard to get into the novel. I don’t know if it’s the writer, but I can read it, but I don’t particularly like it. It’s almost as if the writer is trying too hard? I miss Lady R, and most of all, I have had so much trouble deciding what to do with the Access to Bristol scheme chance. I know I’m just applying for it, and the chances of me even getting in are slim – but it’s something to consider beforehand. Missing lessons is a big deal for me, and even if it’s 2 English lit. lessons and 1 Biology lesson for 8 weeks (alternating) – it doesn’t sit well with me. Also, this idea of doing English as a career, taking it in uni? What will I do with English? Really become a teacher?! My ultimate goal of becoming a writer or anything remotely creative rests on only being a side job. *sighs*

Biology isn’t particularly anything really. Besides from the hardest subject – proteins (yes, I sound stupid, but the depth we’re going into now? It’s all about quaternary structures, αhelixes). And doing Biochemistry at uni is much like Law for me. It’s an idea but won’t go any further – probably. And as much as it sounds like Biomedical sciences, it’s not – but I would be researching medicine, I guess, if I took it.

Chemistry is all over the place. One teacher doesn’t really know what she does,  but is a good teacher regardless because she can engage the class and listen to our bad Chem jokes. But the other one? She’s old, deadpans and I don’t know what to make of her. And her face. Also, I’m not holding a grudge or anything, but I swear she rubbed me the wrong way too far when she talked about how she failed English because it was a useless subject anyway.

that bitch

History – well, I can say I didn’t do too well for first impressions on homework. For some reason (I was ill and woozy, seriously I take so many drugs just to keep alive). But I’m better(ish) now! I mean, I’m still ill, but at least my liver won’t hate me so much for dosing up so much so I don’t come down with a fever or something.  I enjoy learning more about German and Anti-Semitism to an extent, before it becomes too repetitive. But Tsarist Russia? It’s hilariously worrying. What the heck was Alexander II thinking emancipating the serfs?! Oh, and of course, Hitler in Mein Kampf. Every revolutionary leader (well, different) is slightly wrong in the head, I swear.

All in all, I’m settling in more, for sure. And I’ve had lots to think about in terms of extra-curricular. I’m also doing Envision, for some debating and issue solving in and around our community. I’m taking up Japanese again (the hole is getting bigger) and then of course we’re back to Access to Bristol. Gosh damnit! I’m applying to do English. For sure. (Once I send the techies an email telling them how the online application is a massive fail and doesn’t work. Maybe volunteering for my Chinese school again. ALL FOR A CV.

I’ve also thought more about where I want to go for uni. Bristol, Birmingham and London are big city unis that are relatively close, so I’ll try them first. College wise, I guess Royal Holloway, and King’s for London. I’m not sure about Birmingham and Bristol though. Cambridge is a far away dream. A girl from Nishimiya went to Murray Edwards college there this year, and I’m obviously not going for Oxford, but I’ve got so many college ideas! St. Johns (Uncle Allan’s alma mater), King’s and Trinity Hall.


I have no words for what I’m feeling right now. Or what is going through my head 24/7 – except that it’s one big mess. *inner turmoil*

~ Persephone

One week in, still going strong

OK, so it’s been just over a week since starting my new school (should have done this on Saturday but nah), and so far it’s all going really well. Classes are hard, especially Maths and Law, but it’s a good kind of hard (hehe), challenging, which is what I’ve always wanted at school, so I’m having a whale of a time.

First off is Law which is very complex and mostly involves learning case after case after Latin phrase. The memorizing aside, it’s very interesting and the teacher is talkative and engaging, even though there are a lot of spelling and grammar errors in the handouts she gives us. I’m thinking about taking Latin GCSE in my spare time, I’m going to see the teacher on Wednesday to talk to him, but I’ve always secretly wanted to do it just to see what everyone is always on about and it’d be so helpful with my Law at the moment.

Secondly is Maths. I did a pre-AS test last Thursday which I needed to get 70% on, then I get one resit where I have to get 75% before I’m signed up for compulsory extra help. I’m getting the results tomorrow so I’ll know soon enough but it’s still quite scary seeing as none of the teachers even know my name, let alone my skill set. Otherwise Maths is going fine, not too bad, a little confusing at times, but I’m still getting used to new teaching styles.

Then there’s English. I’ve got a really nice table and we work really well together, but I’ve been put in a mixed group to work with one of my favorite people, Nike. Not looking forward to it, but as you said, there’s no point in holding grudges, so I will find common ground by talking about jazz music and hopefully we can produce a good project. I’m also reading 1984 for fun, which is absolutely amazing, just completely mind-blowing, the way Orwell contemplates the validity of absolutely everything, even our own thoughts, is fascinating, and sometimes scarily realistic.

Lastly, Computing. We’re starting work on binary code next lesson which is super super exciting and the other teacher is mostly doing boring standard old fact learning stuff. Sitting next to Mark who I think is my friend now, he keeps asking how I am, that is a friend thing right? Or do I look ill…

In response to your comments on a relaxed atmosphere, there are literally about five rules, and then they just trust you to use your common sense. It’s amazing, I fee like I’m finally growing up. The teachers always arrive late because they come all the way from main school then they just leave when they’re done with the lesson plan it’s great. I auditioned for West Side Story and it was terrifying, this woman just ran over this routine like twice then had us all perform it and my memory doesn’t work that quickly, so I basically just horrifically embarrassed myself in front of loads of people I don’t know. I’m going to join the Feminist Society, the French Society (yes I am still a Francophile I can’t turn it off), the rowing club (always secretly wanted to do that), the mooting society (pretend courts), and I’m volunteering my service to the KS3 English department.

So, life is looking up.
Also Glee.

“Life’s too short…

“Life’s too short, to waste time hating anyone.”
– Regina Brett

This is not really a quote, because I see it as a simple message to pass on from person to person.

These days, I find myself with increasingly larger workloads from school, so I’m forced to prioritise. I speak to the people I like, I choose my free time activities so that I make sure I don’t stress myself out.

Why should it be any different from grudges? Admittedly, I have this ability to hold grudges for long periods of time. In fact, I don’t think I’ve let go of a grudge before. This, now, seems to me like a time-wasting endeavour. Those people, who I hated a lot at one point of my life, can now be dealt with in a more mature manner. (Well, as mature as you can get by ignoring someone and not talking or seeing someone.)

However, when you think about it, it’s a possible act, and scientifically, Dunbar’s number justifies my being so selective about friends. I simply can’t uphold that many friendships! The more I think about it, the more I want to just forget about the people I hate, and only concentrate on my friends. Because they, are for life.

friendships are forever

This applies to not just hatred, but things that would eat away at my life without me realising. Negative thinking. *dundundun* I mean, the constant thoughts of not being able to achieve anything, or having a chance of a wonderful future.

If everyone followed this quote, their life would already be much more fulfilling. And there would be a lot less hate in the World. Sometimes, people forget about their mortality (Memento Mori anyone?) and divulge themselves too much into their plans of World domination, warfare and the like. Really? That is what you want to spend your limited time on? Hate, death and more hate?  (I may be thinking of someone like Uchiha Sasuke when I say this. So. Much. Hate. And yes, I deliberately avoided the non-fictional people who wanted to destroy the World at one point, or sent it into turmoil.)


Just remember…

life's too short

~ Persephone

A journey of self-appreciation and being ‘out’

I know this is a ‘day in the life’ and I’m kinda ranting, but I think I’ll use the DITL as my page of ‘personal’ issues.

Hi, so, new school, new people, new environment. As briefly touched on in my school post, I’ve never had a particularly high opinion of myself, which is obviously stupid because, in retrospect, I’m essentially perfect. I got a lot of shit for being offensive and defensive at Nishimiya, but, statistically speaking, we’re all very different people, and the chances of getting along with everybody are pretty much 0. I like to think I surround myself with the right people, people who’s personalities work with mine, instead of forcing friendship, just because we both like make up or a certain shitty band. Also, I’m honest. And a lot of people can’t take that. I don’t want to be seen as a ‘fake’ person, that’s the last thing I want. However I’m mostly honest because it’s so much easier than skirting around issues, or telling white lies just to keep people happy. Lastly, being honest means that when you say something positive, people know you genuinely mean it, and that it comes from a place of true caring.

I like to think that I’m becoming a better person, or maybe that I’m just starting to appreciate that I have my own brand of awesome, and it’s totally OK to be who I am.

My second point today, is about being ‘out’ as (like 95%) gay. At Nishimiya, I was very obviously out, because of my relationship with Drew (as in Nancy Drew, that’s her code name now), and it made me feel really uncomfortable at school. Everywhere I went I was whispered about, pointed at, and occasionally asked intrusive and icky questions. Worst of all, my sister was bullied, physically and verbally, for me being openly gay. Now that I’m in a safer environment (there’s posters on bisexuality up in the bathrooms which is awesomesauce), and I don’t have to fear for the safety of my sister, I don’t think it’ll be too scary to be out at New School. Having said that, I’ve got to make friends to be out to first, so I guess I’ve got a few more weeks wearing the mask of heterosexuality before I can let my true colors shine. Agent Z is in the same boat as me, which is comforting in a weird way, and she had a horrible experience being outed at Nishimaya, if you remember? So, we’re treading carefully. I think it’s best to just not actively tell anybody, but if they ask, I’m not going to lie.

~Lady Rainicorn

First week of A-Levels

So, this week heralded the arrival of A-Levels- the fabled exams we have been dreaming of since year seven (that’s probably just me, I love exams, like the actual exams, not revision or lessons).  I’m finally beginning to feel a little bit proud of the work I’ve done (shh, I did do some work), over the last few years, instead of constantly putting myself down.  It’s all culminating in these two years, and then off to Uni we go, off to very nearly real life.  I haven’t had a lesson in all of my subjects yet, so I’ll do a quick summary of the ones I have, then let you know a bit about school life- which is super duper awesome by the way.

First off is Maths.  As you know, I’ve basically been fucked over by my old school in that I was left in a lower set way below my ability level, and then when they finally realized I could add, I was pushed up to the top set way too fast.  This has meant that I struggle with a lot of basic material, and I’m therefore easily frustrated.  Especially algebra. Why? Why, do we need to put letters in? It’s already ridiculous enough, and now we’ve got imaginary numbers that generally equal -1 or -(square root)9/4.  Just stop, Maths. Pause and think. If you have 50 melons, then x=50. Don’t over think it.

Secondly, Computing.  OK, so there’s about 20 people in the class, and only 3 girls, which is incredibly strange.  The material is pretty much what I did for theory at GCSE, except a lot more in depth, and some of it’s more practical- coding, etc etc.  I’m doing a group project with *gasp* three boys, and now I say that, I must email Mark with my contribution after this! Also paint my nails… I’m getting side-tracked. OK, focus, the teacher is a really lovely chatty, smiley lady who I walked into in the hallway earlier today- oops! I think I’m going to get along really well with her and the class in general.  Also current school (can you do the code name I’m too lazy) has a way better computer system than my old school, literally a thousand times better.

Lastly, English.  Well, I don’t know where to start.  I’ve only had one lesson, and I’m sat on a table with three other girls, and we all got along pretty well and bounces ideas around nicely.  The teacher (one of two), is quite chatty and relatively engaging, but he doesn’t have anything on the way Mrs G can talk about the most insignificant word! We’re doing Seamus Heaney first, and then comparing him to another poet who’s name I’ve forgotten.  Are you doing the same? We’re on WJEC, so I guess you are as well? If so, we must commence some form of study group.  I miss you.  My little dictionary sat on my desk, and I swear I heard it sniffling as it held back sobs of pain at your loss.  That’s not true, it was me crying, not the dictionary, it’s an inanimate object.

I haven’t had a Law lesson yet, but I will tell you all about it when I do.

OK, so I’m going to try and squeeze in as much as I can remember about the school. Here goes; I only register on Monday mornings (so the other days I don’t need to go in until 9), assembly is every other Thursday, on Fridays lessons end at 2.15, on normal days at 3.15, the common room is huge, almost always full of people, there’s an iPod dock and people were playing Abba and Busted but mostly it’s just normal background music, we have tutorials at least once a term, which is like target day I think, but more personal, less about just your grades, the library has those little dividers like in History Boys, and you can listen to music and she doesn’t seem to mind people eating sweets and stuff (I think it’s against the rules but she (the librarian) isn’t all that strict), also it’s always quiet, there’s a lot of boys, and I’ve made friends with one boy called Mark who is quite loud but not in an obnoxious way, also Matt, who is his friend and a bit aloof but so far nice, and on that note, I’ve been trying very very hard to be amicable to everybody, introducing myself lots and making jokes about the weather (in true British form), Agent Z had a bit of a panic moment today, but I had mine on Thursday, and after a weekend to calm down and process, I think we’re both going to be fine, I’m pretty sure I want to do that Access Bristol University thing, probably for English at this point, I’m going to join quite a few clubs/societies to meet people and pad out my personal statement, and disregarding the fact that this was the longest and most grammatically inaccurate sentence I’ve ever written (which is saying a lot), I hope this has given you some insight into my new and only slightly terrifying academic life.

I’m 100% positive I made the right choice in moving, and that’s all that matters.

~Lady Rainicorn

Almost First Day

So, today was my first day (mostly paperwork) of school without you, P. There are over 200 pupils in my year, and the whole building is stiflingly hot all the time.  Boys are not that scary, trust me, they are just normal people- ok, maybe except this one boy who has 13 GCSEs.

The teachers are all very helpful, talkative and nice, which is a change from the often quite scary staff at your school! I’ll find out more about clubs and teams tomorrow, but there seem to be lots of opportunities, so hopefully I’ll join some groups and make new friends *terrified face*.

I’ve also got a train pass, in which I look like an extra from the cast of the Walking Dead, so that’ll be lovely to wake up to every morning.

This was a vaguely pointless post, just wanted to let you know that everything went fine, and I’m finding out more about my one true love of Russian tomorrow.  Last but not least, I miss you so much, this is way too hard without the respite of our little lunch club, I think I might have to re-think my NYU plans so we can live together for uni….

~Lady Rainicorn

A-Levels for September

Okay, I guess I’ve never told anyone about my A-Levels, even though Lady R has. As it is now officially September, and school is looming on the horizon, I figured I’d write a bit about my coming year!

English Literature – Haha, this was the only definite in my choices. I could not imagine a future where I’m not doing anything remotely related to English. However, I just have to say that, although it is not my mother tongue, and I’m certainly not half bad at the subject, many people shy away from this, simply because of the ‘overanalysing’ of literature, which is true. It pains me to enjoy and loathe lessons so much because of the way we now have next to no time to read through the set texts!

History – Oh gosh, this was a hard decision. Originally, I wanted to do Classical Civilisation, but my school never ran it. I’m not really that disappointed, but I knew that doing History would mean remembering a lot of things… It’s not actually that bad? Because I could really be in Hong Kong, and trying to even remember the dynasties of Chinese history is tough for me. All 4000 years of it!

Biology – This kind of ties in with Chemistry, since my uncle had a PhD doing Biochemistry at university, amongst other research (which I’ve forgotten) but is based on traditional Chinese medicine and having been to the labs – is amazing. So I’m simply not ruling out the option of having a science-based career. And because I loved learning about DNA and Punnett squares. ^-^

Chemistry – Now, clearly I’m not as interested in Maths as Lady R. Neither do I have a particular interest in Physics. Shame really. Natural sciences? My 6th form at Nishimiya doesn’t have the variety of subjects at the school Lady R now attends, but I’m thinking it’s for the best. Specialising in anything too early cuts out lots of options. *cough* No offense?

All in all, I think I chose subjects that I’ll enjoy in the long run. I’m also looking to continue studying a little Japanese on the side, and who knows? Maybe I can find a career which ties all these things in? Obviously, I’d want a job related to my interests too, so… Uhh~ I don’t know… I’ll get to it when I get to it.


~ Persephone

P.S. Oh, and for future reference, since we’re doing as much of this blog as possible incognito, all you need to know is that I went (as did Lady R) to a girls’ school in England. Which will be known as Nishimiya Girls’ High School – from a manga which I would love if anyone realised the reference, but it’s okay if you don’t. Challenge time? Hint: it’s shojo, and has a colour in the name and here are the main characters~
