Duet of the Century, courtsey of Shingeki no Kyojin

Fangirling about Shingeki no Kyojin aside, this is an amazing song. Played by two people whose piano skills are out of this World.

Of course, this theme is perfect for SnK regardless. The amount of ass kicking involved suits this adrenaline filled song entirely. Mostly done by the almighty Corporal Levi-sama. And maybe Eren as a Titan. Maybe.

eren 3d maneuver gear  and then much …  spinning,leap high more spinning~ spinning

And generally, a short but hot guy with this unexplainable attractive haircut that pwns all.

(At this point, I realised I should do separate posts about all my fandoms before my brain explodes with their sheer awesomeness.)

what dafuq

Not even kidding. I personally have Grade 8, which already stretch me too thinly and I can’t even explain how that miracle happened, but only that it did. However, we’re talking about another level entirely. When you reach this level, it’s almost as if you’ve achieved the status of a deity. Animenzzz and Tehishter. You guys deserve a -sama after your name.

Technically, this is a challenging piece of music for sure. The duet also means it’s not easy having to cooperate with another person, tempo wise – it’s a tough job. Then, let’s not forget that this song is sung with a whole host of guitars, drums etc. etc. You’re doing this on a piano. All of it. And it sounds good. Scratch that. OUT OF THIS WORLD, AMAZINGLY AWESOMESAUCE.

When I  listened to this (for the first time, of many)…

what the hell

When can we start building the shrines and worshipping you guys?

Waiting for Sherlock Series 3

I effing hate Moffat.

pissed off

We’ve waited for so long. Waited for Sherlock to show that he’s not dead and to kick some more ass with his beloved Watson. GODAMNIT!

Looking for something

Waiting for series 3 is like waiting for the ‘apocalypse’. Do you know when it will finally arrive? No. Do you know if your life is ever going to be the same again after it? No. I’m sure Tumblr has done a much better job of articulating this, and I know I’m not the only one in the fandom. But filming has finished. Can we finally get Benedict Cumberbatch back in a long coat and blue scarf? Oh, and of course, John’s moustache. I think everyone wants an explanation, as to why his way of dealing with the grief of losing his best friend is growing facial hair, that borders on flattering and disturbing.

not the fridge

Sometimes, I love the people who manage to turn something intended for the last century, Victorian era, and make it an obsession for the youths of the 21st century. But do you know what?! It’s damn hard waiting for something that doesn’t have an end. It’s like running around a Mobius strip. We wait months and what do we get? A trailer. A seconds long trailer that gives us nothing more than a glimpse of only the beginning of many viewings.

still not dead

Of course, let’s not forget my Benaddiction!


If this was a thing like Jedi is a religion in the Census. I’d select it. No questions asked.

If every day we spent waiting for the next season to arrive was equated to tears we’ve shed for the fandom, we’d have enough liquid to drown Moffat. Painfully.

And you know what?

I regret nothing

Give us Sherlock and no one (else) will get hurt.

~ Persephone