“Life’s too short…

“Life’s too short, to waste time hating anyone.”
– Regina Brett

This is not really a quote, because I see it as a simple message to pass on from person to person.

These days, I find myself with increasingly larger workloads from school, so I’m forced to prioritise. I speak to the people I like, I choose my free time activities so that I make sure I don’t stress myself out.

Why should it be any different from grudges? Admittedly, I have this ability to hold grudges for long periods of time. In fact, I don’t think I’ve let go of a grudge before. This, now, seems to me like a time-wasting endeavour. Those people, who I hated a lot at one point of my life, can now be dealt with in a more mature manner. (Well, as mature as you can get by ignoring someone and not talking or seeing someone.)

However, when you think about it, it’s a possible act, and scientifically, Dunbar’s number justifies my being so selective about friends. I simply can’t uphold that many friendships! The more I think about it, the more I want to just forget about the people I hate, and only concentrate on my friends. Because they, are for life.

friendships are forever

This applies to not just hatred, but things that would eat away at my life without me realising. Negative thinking. *dundundun* I mean, the constant thoughts of not being able to achieve anything, or having a chance of a wonderful future.

If everyone followed this quote, their life would already be much more fulfilling. And there would be a lot less hate in the World. Sometimes, people forget about their mortality (Memento Mori anyone?) and divulge themselves too much into their plans of World domination, warfare and the like. Really? That is what you want to spend your limited time on? Hate, death and more hate?  (I may be thinking of someone like Uchiha Sasuke when I say this. So. Much. Hate. And yes, I deliberately avoided the non-fictional people who wanted to destroy the World at one point, or sent it into turmoil.)


Just remember…

life's too short

~ Persephone

“Be who you are…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

This particular quote gave me some grief. Honestly, does not one person remember correctly where it originated from? And no, if someone says Dr Seuss, I will send a cyber chidori your way. Don’t even…

chidori sasuke

Lady R’s post really got me thinking about this quote. You only get one shot at life, don’t let other people control it and make you miserable. One chance. That’s why I try and ‘work hard, play harder’ because if I don’t do it now, who knows if I’ll get the chance to do all the things I wished for as a child.

In an ideal World, there would be no backstabbers, gossipers and general wrong-doers. Unfortunately, they exist, and in girls’ schools – they are particularly vicious. I’ve never had many friends throughout my life, and as a results, I don’t seem to have cared about these people – possibly because they ignored me too?

I just wanted to remind you that you have friends, and they will always be there for you, and will never judge you. Because when Fate throws lemons at you, you make lemonade, for a picnic with your friends. ^-^

friendships are forever

~ Persephone