Three Years Since Kurt Met Blaine

I’m just gonna recite the lines of this scene off by heart for a second:
K: decorating Pavarotti’s casket
B: well finish up, I have the perfect song for us
K: do tell
B: Candles, by hey monday
K: I’m impressed, you’re usually so top forty
B: Well, I wanted something a little more ~emotional~
K: why did you pick me to sing that song with
B: Kurt, there is a moment, when you say to yourself, ‘oh, there you are, I’ve been looking for you forever’. Watching you do Blackbird, this week, that was a moment, for me, about you. ~loaded pause~ you move me, Kurt, and doing this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you.
*Perfect First Kiss Of All Time Ever*
K: We should practice
B: I thought we were
*Perfect Second Kiss Of All Time Ever*
*dun, dun dun*

So, it’s been three years since Kurt was sent to spy on the garglers- sorry warblers- and I’m every bit as in love with Kurt and Blaine as I was that very day.
Not only did Klaine show us that a young, gay couple can weather the storm of secondary school, they showed us that young people are capable of having a mature, adoring, healthy relationship. I could go on and on for hours about how perfect Klaine are, and how much good their exposure has done, I could ramble about how inspirational Chris Colfer is, how talented both he and Darren Criss are, but I won’t, I’ll leave us with a quote from one Blaine Anderson, my pocket ray of sunshine.

‘Prejudice is just ignorance’ – Blaine Anderson

A journey of self-appreciation and being ‘out’

I know this is a ‘day in the life’ and I’m kinda ranting, but I think I’ll use the DITL as my page of ‘personal’ issues.

Hi, so, new school, new people, new environment. As briefly touched on in my school post, I’ve never had a particularly high opinion of myself, which is obviously stupid because, in retrospect, I’m essentially perfect. I got a lot of shit for being offensive and defensive at Nishimiya, but, statistically speaking, we’re all very different people, and the chances of getting along with everybody are pretty much 0. I like to think I surround myself with the right people, people who’s personalities work with mine, instead of forcing friendship, just because we both like make up or a certain shitty band. Also, I’m honest. And a lot of people can’t take that. I don’t want to be seen as a ‘fake’ person, that’s the last thing I want. However I’m mostly honest because it’s so much easier than skirting around issues, or telling white lies just to keep people happy. Lastly, being honest means that when you say something positive, people know you genuinely mean it, and that it comes from a place of true caring.

I like to think that I’m becoming a better person, or maybe that I’m just starting to appreciate that I have my own brand of awesome, and it’s totally OK to be who I am.

My second point today, is about being ‘out’ as (like 95%) gay. At Nishimiya, I was very obviously out, because of my relationship with Drew (as in Nancy Drew, that’s her code name now), and it made me feel really uncomfortable at school. Everywhere I went I was whispered about, pointed at, and occasionally asked intrusive and icky questions. Worst of all, my sister was bullied, physically and verbally, for me being openly gay. Now that I’m in a safer environment (there’s posters on bisexuality up in the bathrooms which is awesomesauce), and I don’t have to fear for the safety of my sister, I don’t think it’ll be too scary to be out at New School. Having said that, I’ve got to make friends to be out to first, so I guess I’ve got a few more weeks wearing the mask of heterosexuality before I can let my true colors shine. Agent Z is in the same boat as me, which is comforting in a weird way, and she had a horrible experience being outed at Nishimaya, if you remember? So, we’re treading carefully. I think it’s best to just not actively tell anybody, but if they ask, I’m not going to lie.

~Lady Rainicorn

Ok, this is seriously powerful- I cried, a lot

Gosh, every word of this song speaks to me so much. For obvious reasons, but also, the first verse, where he was so young and surrounded and terrified by these stereotypes, just made my heart break in two, because I was like that, afraid that I was fundamentally different from everyone around me, that there was something wrong with me.
And the lyric ‘we paraphrase a book written 3500 years ago’, never a more powerful lyric about religion has there ever been.
Also it’s just beautiful to watch, there is some serious talent in that video.
Every moment in this song/video is so perfect, I can’t even begin to describe how it makes me feel.
Like I can conquer the world, a little bit, but first I’d like to get married.