Three Years Since Kurt Met Blaine

I’m just gonna recite the lines of this scene off by heart for a second:
K: decorating Pavarotti’s casket
B: well finish up, I have the perfect song for us
K: do tell
B: Candles, by hey monday
K: I’m impressed, you’re usually so top forty
B: Well, I wanted something a little more ~emotional~
K: why did you pick me to sing that song with
B: Kurt, there is a moment, when you say to yourself, ‘oh, there you are, I’ve been looking for you forever’. Watching you do Blackbird, this week, that was a moment, for me, about you. ~loaded pause~ you move me, Kurt, and doing this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you.
*Perfect First Kiss Of All Time Ever*
K: We should practice
B: I thought we were
*Perfect Second Kiss Of All Time Ever*
*dun, dun dun*

So, it’s been three years since Kurt was sent to spy on the garglers- sorry warblers- and I’m every bit as in love with Kurt and Blaine as I was that very day.
Not only did Klaine show us that a young, gay couple can weather the storm of secondary school, they showed us that young people are capable of having a mature, adoring, healthy relationship. I could go on and on for hours about how perfect Klaine are, and how much good their exposure has done, I could ramble about how inspirational Chris Colfer is, how talented both he and Darren Criss are, but I won’t, I’ll leave us with a quote from one Blaine Anderson, my pocket ray of sunshine.

‘Prejudice is just ignorance’ – Blaine Anderson