Wow, this week has been a whirlwind of fangirl emotions. And personal emotions. But that’s going in a different post.  Anyway, Kurt and Blaine got back together to a fantastic rendition of ‘Got to get you into my life’, which was painfully appropriate and it hurt my heart to watch Kurt winding Blaine up about them getting together when he was clearly going to say yes all along! However my inner Kurt stan was squealing with joy! We finally got our strong and independent Kurt back. Headstrong and not afraid to fight for what he wants (or play with what he wants because that was mean).
And the fact they both planned serenades for each other- every Klaine fic suddenly became canon. Moments so perfectly in character like that only happen in the mind of seriously hardcore shippers- for any ship- and I’m eternally grateful that Klaine are such a beautiful couple that the people who actually created them want them to be together forever.

Blaine stan time. He is amazing. He got these show choirs to propose to his boyfriend- HIS ACTUALLY GAY BOYFRIEND IN OHIO OF ALL PLACES- choirs who have tried to blind each other, ruined each others reputations, stolen star performers, repeatedly, stolen each others set lists, and more than once emotionally manipulated each other. Blaine Anderson is such a perfect picture of somebody who focuses on the good, tries so hard to make everybody get along and is picture perfect. He’s flawed though- I’ll say that.  He loves so hard, so much, all the time, and we all know how much that can hurt. How easily that kind of blind devotion gets thrown back in your face at the drop of a hat.  He’s finally found someone to give all his love to. He’s been looking for him forever- in every life- and now he can sit him down and serenade him with the entire Beatles repertoire and every single time Kurt will give him those heart eyes we first saw in Blackbird.

Every single lifetime, they find each other.  And following the theory of infinite universes, somewhere, somehow, Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel are real people, living real lives, maybe they met, and maybe will meet, but I’m just so ecstatic that in this universe, we get to watch them have a whole life together, we get to watch the ultimate ‘Teenage Dream’ play out.

The search is over.

~Lady Rainicorn