Studio Ghibli Worship Plans

I have plans…


We need to haveĀ a day (maybe two) of straight Studio Ghibli movie watching. *whispers* probably online, because I have the movies somewhere in Hong Kong and I cannot be asked to get them, so my conscience is clean somewhat, and I also want to buy the original artwork DVDs from the Studio Ghibli store in the future, so, meh~

And then, after each film, we can rant as much as we like about them, or just cry. I’ll do both, probably.

When I (or would you like to tag along?) go to Japan, I’m going to visit the Studio Ghibli Museum. Which I think will become my home. Since I’ll never leave.

Game plan or what?

Not forgetting that that much fangirling will be done during and between movies. I’m thinking of making you (and anyone who wants to tag along) watch every one of my favourite SG films. Including ones I haven’t watched since childhood for fear of becoming a train wreak solved only by contact with Totoro. Be warned.


~ Persephone