Almost First Day

So, today was my first day (mostly paperwork) of school without you, P. There are over 200 pupils in my year, and the whole building is stiflingly hot all the time.  Boys are not that scary, trust me, they are just normal people- ok, maybe except this one boy who has 13 GCSEs.

The teachers are all very helpful, talkative and nice, which is a change from the often quite scary staff at your school! I’ll find out more about clubs and teams tomorrow, but there seem to be lots of opportunities, so hopefully I’ll join some groups and make new friends *terrified face*.

I’ve also got a train pass, in which I look like an extra from the cast of the Walking Dead, so that’ll be lovely to wake up to every morning.

This was a vaguely pointless post, just wanted to let you know that everything went fine, and I’m finding out more about my one true love of Russian tomorrow.  Last but not least, I miss you so much, this is way too hard without the respite of our little lunch club, I think I might have to re-think my NYU plans so we can live together for uni….

~Lady Rainicorn