A-Levels for September

Okay, I guess I’ve never told anyone about my A-Levels, even though Lady R has. As it is now officially September, and school is looming on the horizon, I figured I’d write a bit about my coming year!

English Literature – Haha, this was the only definite in my choices. I could not imagine a future where I’m not doing anything remotely related to English. However, I just have to say that, although it is not my mother tongue, and I’m certainly not half bad at the subject, many people shy away from this, simply because of the ‘overanalysing’ of literature, which is true. It pains me to enjoy and loathe lessons so much because of the way we now have next to no time to read through the set texts!

History – Oh gosh, this was a hard decision. Originally, I wanted to do Classical Civilisation, but my school never ran it. I’m not really that disappointed, but I knew that doing History would mean remembering a lot of things… It’s not actually that bad? Because I could really be in Hong Kong, and trying to even remember the dynasties of Chinese history is tough for me. All 4000 years of it!

Biology – This kind of ties in with Chemistry, since my uncle had a PhD doing Biochemistry at university, amongst other research (which I’ve forgotten) but is based on traditional Chinese medicine and having been to the labs – is amazing. So I’m simply not ruling out the option of having a science-based career. And because I loved learning about DNA and Punnett squares. ^-^

Chemistry – Now, clearly I’m not as interested in Maths as Lady R. Neither do I have a particular interest in Physics. Shame really. Natural sciences? My 6th form at Nishimiya doesn’t have the variety of subjects at the school Lady R now attends, but I’m thinking it’s for the best. Specialising in anything too early cuts out lots of options. *cough* No offense?

All in all, I think I chose subjects that I’ll enjoy in the long run. I’m also looking to continue studying a little Japanese on the side, and who knows? Maybe I can find a career which ties all these things in? Obviously, I’d want a job related to my interests too, so… Uhh~ I don’t know… I’ll get to it when I get to it.


~ Persephone

P.S. Oh, and for future reference, since we’re doing as much of this blog as possible incognito, all you need to know is that I went (as did Lady R) to a girls’ school in England. Which will be known as Nishimiya Girls’ High School – from a manga which I would love if anyone realised the reference, but it’s okay if you don’t. Challenge time? Hint: it’s shojo, and has a colour in the name and here are the main characters~
