Ad Astra

Celestial bodies

Glowing bright, guiding our way

Lighting up our galaxy.

stars in the galaxy


Author’s Note: This was something I thought about when I had stomach ache at 2am in the morning. On a school night. I looked up at my ceiling, and that lone glow-in-the-dark star stuck there and thought it would be great to write a haiku about it. I wish I was like Mr. Magorium. He had so many stars in his room. I don’t even know how to count the syllables…

Edit: I finished it! Not much change, except a title (yes, I’ve done Latin, and I know we don’t have capitals, but hey….) ‘To the stars’, is obviously a reference,  to Virgil’s Aeneid, which I did for GCSE, and was remarkable to say the least (especially it’s length O__O). However, it’s also me, paying homage to the stars, and thanking them for giving me such a good subject to write about… at 2 am in the morning and of course, existing in the first place~