“I used to believe…

“I used to believe in forever, but forever’s too good to be true.”
– A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Now… while not everyone in the whole World may have heard of Winnie the Pooh (sadly), they will have at one point, experience this sheer feeling of contentment, it a second, or throughout their life. That one moment where you feel as if you want to preserve it forever, and you believe that it would never end.

Unfortunately, life is rarely so kind and unforgiving, and before you know it, you’re back in the ‘real World’ – having to suffer through a monotonous lull that is your existence. As a child, you might be willing to think that you can remember all the things you loved, and sometimes, if you wished ‘hard enough’, that TV show, or ice cream cone would never end. Then, as you get older, and wiser, you come to learn that there are such things as endings, and even if you loved the characters enough to call them family, or you would be willing to eat that particular sweet for the rest of your life – you simply cannot.

Since it is in human nature to never let things go (sometimes), we are taught to deal with the loss, and that forever simply cannot be. Even if science were to allow us to live beyond the realm of time, what would that make us? Lonely? It’s hard to think about existence in a timeline that stretches on, for an eternity, and then some.

ouchie kaname

Whether it’s an event, novel or place in particular, nothing is eternal, so our serviceable substitute,  we are now conditioned to believe that while things may not last forever, they always have a way of coming back to us. Sometimes, it is expected, sometimes,  it may be in  the most surprising way imaginable.

Even if we are not equipped to deal with even the concept of forever, I should think that holding things close to your heart ‘as long as possible’ shall suffice for now.

bats yuki

After all, isn’t it true, that…

hana to akuma     hogwarts home

No matter which fandom you are from, I’m sure you’ll appreciate while forever is beyond our grasp, at least this means we’ll never be alone.

~ Persephone


can i keep it

“Life’s too short…

“Life’s too short, to waste time hating anyone.”
– Regina Brett

This is not really a quote, because I see it as a simple message to pass on from person to person.

These days, I find myself with increasingly larger workloads from school, so I’m forced to prioritise. I speak to the people I like, I choose my free time activities so that I make sure I don’t stress myself out.

Why should it be any different from grudges? Admittedly, I have this ability to hold grudges for long periods of time. In fact, I don’t think I’ve let go of a grudge before. This, now, seems to me like a time-wasting endeavour. Those people, who I hated a lot at one point of my life, can now be dealt with in a more mature manner. (Well, as mature as you can get by ignoring someone and not talking or seeing someone.)

However, when you think about it, it’s a possible act, and scientifically, Dunbar’s number justifies my being so selective about friends. I simply can’t uphold that many friendships! The more I think about it, the more I want to just forget about the people I hate, and only concentrate on my friends. Because they, are for life.

friendships are forever

This applies to not just hatred, but things that would eat away at my life without me realising. Negative thinking. *dundundun* I mean, the constant thoughts of not being able to achieve anything, or having a chance of a wonderful future.

If everyone followed this quote, their life would already be much more fulfilling. And there would be a lot less hate in the World. Sometimes, people forget about their mortality (Memento Mori anyone?) and divulge themselves too much into their plans of World domination, warfare and the like. Really? That is what you want to spend your limited time on? Hate, death and more hate?  (I may be thinking of someone like Uchiha Sasuke when I say this. So. Much. Hate. And yes, I deliberately avoided the non-fictional people who wanted to destroy the World at one point, or sent it into turmoil.)


Just remember…

life's too short

~ Persephone

“Be who you are…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

This particular quote gave me some grief. Honestly, does not one person remember correctly where it originated from? And no, if someone says Dr Seuss, I will send a cyber chidori your way. Don’t even…

chidori sasuke

Lady R’s post really got me thinking about this quote. You only get one shot at life, don’t let other people control it and make you miserable. One chance. That’s why I try and ‘work hard, play harder’ because if I don’t do it now, who knows if I’ll get the chance to do all the things I wished for as a child.

In an ideal World, there would be no backstabbers, gossipers and general wrong-doers. Unfortunately, they exist, and in girls’ schools – they are particularly vicious. I’ve never had many friends throughout my life, and as a results, I don’t seem to have cared about these people – possibly because they ignored me too?

I just wanted to remind you that you have friends, and they will always be there for you, and will never judge you. Because when Fate throws lemons at you, you make lemonade, for a picnic with your friends. ^-^

friendships are forever

~ Persephone

“Do you think it…”

“Do you think it’s possible to fall in love with the idea of a person?”
– Little Numbers

Ok, this is from a Klaine fic. The best fanfiction ever written that should be a movie in its own right, or a published novel, like 50sog.

It’s just, wow, amazing, no words can describe how much I wanted to shove their faces together and make them kiss the whole way through this story.  The Klaine fandom never ceases to bewilder me by being the most fantastic and talented group of people. Not to mention compassionate, accepting, and all-round fabulous.

“Once you’ve met…”

“Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return.”
– Spirited Away


I’m on a Studio Ghibli spree today. This was something said by Zeniba in ‘Spirited Away’ on of my favourite films, when Sen, was trying to remember her long forgotten childhoon, during which she met Haku.

Personally, I strongly believe that your memories aren’t as fallible as one would think. It has been said, that the more you access certain memories, the more likely they are to become less true, as your brain will subconsciously add and take away things from the memory. So, a cherished memory may not be as reliable as one you think you’ve forgotten long ago.

While you may store many precious moments in your brain, sometimes, a traumatic or profound event may render your brain unable to protect itself and process the information; upon which, it will sometimes cause amnesia, and cause you to ‘forget’ about particular events. Does that mean the moment you fall in love, you are in danger of forgetting all about it, due to the shock? Or will your heart remember how it went ‘doki doki’ from the sheer, overpowering feeling of euphoria and completeness, and prevent you from fainting and forgetting, ever?

(I won’t admit to reading Haku x Chihiro fanfiction, ever, but should you want a recommendation… well… that’s another story 😉 Honestly, they’re a cute pair of children, and will make an inseparable, unbeatable couple. But that’s not canon, yet, so I’ll just put this in brackets, okay?)


~ Persephone

“I believe that…

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
– Marilyn Monroe

So, this is a quote that I found quite some time ago. It’s always been on my mind, because, quite frankly, at many points throughout my (rather short) life – I’ve needed much inspiration to carry on.

It’s extremely easy to believe in the words of another person when your mind is vulnerable, and honestly, Marilyn’s words evoke the hope in me, that I didn’t think existed anymore. It’s simple yet difficult, to try and make yourself think that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that all the hardships you endeavour will only make you a better person – because you have to endure the ups and downs of life first.

Without this quote, I think I would’ve cried in frustration every time I lost a friend, or something fell apart . To all of you – never give up, because the future is kind to those who suffer first.

~ Persephone

marilyn monroe - believe board

“Everyone who te…”

“Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water. And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes you cannot even breathe deeply, and the night sky is no home, and you have cried yourself to sleep enough times that you are down to your last two percent, but nothing is infinite, not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day you are going to find yourself again.”
-Finn Butler

This is inexplicably all in capitals, I’m not sure why, but I’m not rewriting the whole thing. (Edit by Sephy: Don’t worry, I re-typed the whole thing for you. Gosh I’m nice.)

Anyway, my laziness aside, this poem has so many memories, so so many, and I guess now that it’s just a collection of letters, and not the way she looks at me, it doesn’t matter all that much.  I just want you to read it.  I’ m finally finding who I am again, and I want to tell her, but she’s not here, and maybe it’s all horribly ironic and a bit cringe-worthy but, gosh, P, I can’t stop loving her. I can’t bloody turn it off.

” A film is nev…

” A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.”
– Orson Welles

Well, I thought this was apt, seeing as I watched Monsters University today. My verdict? It was funny. It also made me feel smart when I remembered the little things from the first film. Poor Randy – give it up, Mike and Sully are clearly the unbeatable duo.

It was cute seeing Mike as a little kid though, I guess~


~ Persephone

“This life is more..”

‘This life is more than just a read through’- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Just getting some musical references in there.

This is probably my favourite lyric from my favourite song, so go listen to it, and enjoy the totally kick-ass guitar in the introduction.

“If you can dream…

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
– Walt Disney

Now this, this is something I heard first from a YouTuber, called Kalel, who was inspired greatly by this quote.

Personally, I can’t deny how my childhood was improved dramatically through the works of Walt Disney and Hayao Miyazaki. You cannot say you have lived, without watching a film from either of these two greats.

I learnt so much as a child, that I’m only beginning to grasp the concept of, today. Watching ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ as a 5 year old, and crying my heart out, makes it even more touching, now, when I understand the importance behind that tin of sweets.

grave of the fireflies

With this quote in mind, I’m glad that I have such a vivid imagination. Truly a worthy quote of the day, no? ^-^

~ Persephone