Summer is here (again)

It’s been too long.

That’d be a given, seeing as I’m well on my way to becoming a professional procrastinator at this point.

Regardless, it is summer again (in England, it’s still only averaging at 20 degrees Celsius, but I’ll take it) and I’m only taking the time to look through my photos from last summer. Shocking.

A lot has happened, life wise, fandom wise, you can change a lot in however many years I haven’t written. But better late than never – seeing as I’m due to enter university later this year, we might as well take this as an opportunity to brush up on my literacy skills.

Seeing as ‘write’ is on my to-do-list for this summer, here I am, writing.

IMG_8012 EDITED Teaser for the topics of posts to come – holidays, anime conventions. FUN.

Here is a complementary photo of me with a lavender Hello Kitty. Whilst on holiday in Hokkaido, Japan – famous for… wait for it.. lavender!

School supercedes Social-life

Wow, it’s been too long… too, too long. School started, and then everything went to HELL. (Not that I had a social life before.. but…)

Also, I mean, I’ve got Lady R onto the otaku ship, so… Ouran HSHC every Friday night over Skype – we read it and fangirl, what can I say? I’m a good friend, I know.

Then, we had a sleepover for her birthday, and it turned into a ‘LET’S WATCH LOTS OF ANIME ALL DAY-DAY!’ A feel of it would be… Watching: Ouran HSHC, including the English dub bloopers (the only thing good about the English dub compared to the Japanese), Ghost Hunt (it was near Halloween and we turned off the lights…), Free! (because it’s Summer and light-hearted and now Lady R ships MakoHaru!),Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (it’s hilarious) and Shingeki no Kyojin (most epic anime of all time… and I’ve watched a lot of anime)!

otaku and proud

So.. the overall reaction was good, and honestly I was just happy to have an otaku friend… *sniffs*, it’s hard when your friends don’t appreciate the finer things in life like anime… And  just you wait Lady R… Ereri will be a thing for sure! *cue evil laughter* Hint: we just need to watch a little more SnK.

gaze intent Just looook at them *coughs* where was I?

So, essentially, between school, Access to… schemes, tests, and Fangirling to keep myself sane. The blog has turned into a neglected Animal Crossing town… overrun by weeds… (copyright amazing metaphor much?!)

How do I rectify this? Well, we’re doing a lot of wider reading for the English scheme at AtB, and waddya know? Lady R has taken up the challenge of NaNoWriMo… soo, WATCH THIS SPACE.

May the odds be ever in your favour (because Catching Fire is coming out soon),

~ Persephone

Hunger Games

” Nobody in football…

” Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”
– Joe Theismann

Oh, I was so pissed off today. Majorly annoyed at the commotion outside my house. Football, it has occurred to me, is not a quite event at all.

Normally, I would expect the fans to keep it to the field, and make sure by the time they’re out of the match, they’ve vented all their frustration from watching some guys kick a ball a grassy field. However, today (Heaven forbid there be anther Bristol Rovers event) the pub opposite my house was overwhelmed by the amount of rowdy fans who were chanting and singing. FML.

Not only was my IQ significantly lowered – and no, Anderson was not nearby. But I was oddly reminded of my own childhood. I spent my time, as a 5 (approx.) year old, in school, playing, singing and clapping to many of the tunes the crowd of grown men were attempting to rally their spirits with today. Except, I was 5, and in an all girls’ school. Well done. You’ve done ‘your’ sport proud.

Not to mention the amount of police involved. Thank you for surrounding the pub and making sure they know you’re there. But please either kick their asses or Taser them all for crying out loud. People might just get the idea that you’re incompetent if you don’t act while a riot is essentially taking place at an establishment where men are likely to get intoxicated.

Ironically. This was all before the match. I pray for those who have to endure the aftermath. And myself. Let’s not forget to pity me. -_-

This quote… at first glance, is reasonably acceptable. Until you realise, there is no such genius as ‘Norman Einstein’. Nor is the person I’m quoting a ‘genius’ either. No, I think his statement is quite valid. After all, he is a former American quarterback and a professional sports caster. Let’s not forget that their football is not our football. Britain takes precedence because it was INVENTED BY US!  No wonder your all football fans are slightly gifted in the ‘hooligans and gasheads’ department. Fact: The former descriptive and colourful words were used by two of my friends today describing them.

I respect your sport because it has a long history. However, this whole thing cements the idea that only those who are either not talented enough to find other interests or were lacking in the physiological area likes football.

~ Persephone 

P.S. I hope you’re all happy.