Those Who Sin

Oh, dear Mockingbird

Why slaughter the innocent-

Who do naught but sing?


~ Persephone

Author’s Note: Wow, I had this moment of revelation…The reference is clear, but to say To Kill A Mockingbird is good, would be an understatement. I simply have no words, for a novel which made me cry at the end. A must read, and when you know all the subtext and morals behind this story, you will understand so, so much more about human nature.

Ad Astra

Celestial bodies

Glowing bright, guiding our way

Lighting up our galaxy.

stars in the galaxy


Author’s Note: This was something I thought about when I had stomach ache at 2am in the morning. On a school night. I looked up at my ceiling, and that lone glow-in-the-dark star stuck there and thought it would be great to write a haiku about it. I wish I was like Mr. Magorium. He had so many stars in his room. I don’t even know how to count the syllables…

Edit: I finished it! Not much change, except a title (yes, I’ve done Latin, and I know we don’t have capitals, but hey….) ‘To the stars’, is obviously a reference,  to Virgil’s Aeneid, which I did for GCSE, and was remarkable to say the least (especially it’s length O__O). However, it’s also me, paying homage to the stars, and thanking them for giving me such a good subject to write about… at 2 am in the morning and of course, existing in the first place~

Work in Progress

Overhead signs flicker slowly;
‘On Time’, ‘Delayed’, ‘Cancelled’.
In a place, at its very core,
A microcosm of transience,
I saw that the static,
The dragging,
The monotonous
Moments in our days
Carry the most weight.

The fleeting seconds of joy,
Hours of anger,
Are empty chasms of air.
Only once we pause,
Return to our true selves,
And become creatures of habit,
Do we yield from the harsh winters
Giving way to downy springs.

‘On Time’
I scuff my shoes across the tarmac,
Patience is a virtue they say,
Perhaps I have been waiting too long.

~Lady Rainicorn

Author’s Note:

I hate the opening and closing lines, and am working on them, but for now they’re just pretty basic, so you get what I’m saying. Did you catch my Lord of the Flies reference? Bit sneaky. But also very relevant. Obviously I wrote this waiting for the train. Whilst analysing Heaney, I scribbled it in my poetry book, ‘shhhh’ don’t tell the teacher, anyway, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated~