About the seers!

This is a little bit about each of the ‘seers’ on here, written by themselves.

Lady Rainicorn~

Future author, LGBT* rights advocate, former triathlete, 1500m runner four years in a row on sports day, enthusiastic tennis player, maths genius, addicted to discovery channel, proud glee blogger, enjoys dictionaries of all kinds, ballet, and is gayer than Kurt Hummel.

Glee blogger



Asian. Inches from being clinically classified as a short person. Otaku from birth. Grade 8 pianist at 15. Knows 6 languages (at least). Aims to be a professional fangirl. Uses quotes more than own words. Future queen of the World.



[General editing and admin work is done by P, and posting by LR. Instagram overlord is LR. Twitter regent is P. ]

We’re two best friends, who are now separated by schools and longs for global recognition as awesome people.

m and sofa

Welcome to our blog!

~ Lady R and Sephy

P.S. This is a sort of disclaimer, since there will be a lot of pictures, photos, quotes and gifs on the blog, and unless we state otherwise, we don’t own any of the medias previously mentioned.

One place where you will be sure to find such content by us is on our Instagram account (which you can see on our blog). Otherwise, we’d like to thank all the people who created the pictures, and should you ever want the source of one, we won’t hesitate to find it for you. Or should the author want to remove the media ^-^ Thank you!

2 thoughts on “About the seers!

  1. I knew it would *whispers* that’s why I put it there ^-^
    ~ Sephy
    P.S. Just realised you can still use italics etc. if you use HTML tags… I may know how to use them, but gosh it’s hard work!

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