Work in Progress

Overhead signs flicker slowly;
‘On Time’, ‘Delayed’, ‘Cancelled’.
In a place, at its very core,
A microcosm of transience,
I saw that the static,
The dragging,
The monotonous
Moments in our days
Carry the most weight.

The fleeting seconds of joy,
Hours of anger,
Are empty chasms of air.
Only once we pause,
Return to our true selves,
And become creatures of habit,
Do we yield from the harsh winters
Giving way to downy springs.

‘On Time’
I scuff my shoes across the tarmac,
Patience is a virtue they say,
Perhaps I have been waiting too long.

~Lady Rainicorn

Author’s Note:

I hate the opening and closing lines, and am working on them, but for now they’re just pretty basic, so you get what I’m saying. Did you catch my Lord of the Flies reference? Bit sneaky. But also very relevant. Obviously I wrote this waiting for the train. Whilst analysing Heaney, I scribbled it in my poetry book, ‘shhhh’ don’t tell the teacher, anyway, all and any feedback is greatly appreciated~



Wow, this week has been a whirlwind of fangirl emotions. And personal emotions. But that’s going in a different post.  Anyway, Kurt and Blaine got back together to a fantastic rendition of ‘Got to get you into my life’, which was painfully appropriate and it hurt my heart to watch Kurt winding Blaine up about them getting together when he was clearly going to say yes all along! However my inner Kurt stan was squealing with joy! We finally got our strong and independent Kurt back. Headstrong and not afraid to fight for what he wants (or play with what he wants because that was mean).
And the fact they both planned serenades for each other- every Klaine fic suddenly became canon. Moments so perfectly in character like that only happen in the mind of seriously hardcore shippers- for any ship- and I’m eternally grateful that Klaine are such a beautiful couple that the people who actually created them want them to be together forever.

Blaine stan time. He is amazing. He got these show choirs to propose to his boyfriend- HIS ACTUALLY GAY BOYFRIEND IN OHIO OF ALL PLACES- choirs who have tried to blind each other, ruined each others reputations, stolen star performers, repeatedly, stolen each others set lists, and more than once emotionally manipulated each other. Blaine Anderson is such a perfect picture of somebody who focuses on the good, tries so hard to make everybody get along and is picture perfect. He’s flawed though- I’ll say that.  He loves so hard, so much, all the time, and we all know how much that can hurt. How easily that kind of blind devotion gets thrown back in your face at the drop of a hat.  He’s finally found someone to give all his love to. He’s been looking for him forever- in every life- and now he can sit him down and serenade him with the entire Beatles repertoire and every single time Kurt will give him those heart eyes we first saw in Blackbird.

Every single lifetime, they find each other.  And following the theory of infinite universes, somewhere, somehow, Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel are real people, living real lives, maybe they met, and maybe will meet, but I’m just so ecstatic that in this universe, we get to watch them have a whole life together, we get to watch the ultimate ‘Teenage Dream’ play out.

The search is over.

~Lady Rainicorn

“I used to believe…

“I used to believe in forever, but forever’s too good to be true.”
– A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Now… while not everyone in the whole World may have heard of Winnie the Pooh (sadly), they will have at one point, experience this sheer feeling of contentment, it a second, or throughout their life. That one moment where you feel as if you want to preserve it forever, and you believe that it would never end.

Unfortunately, life is rarely so kind and unforgiving, and before you know it, you’re back in the ‘real World’ – having to suffer through a monotonous lull that is your existence. As a child, you might be willing to think that you can remember all the things you loved, and sometimes, if you wished ‘hard enough’, that TV show, or ice cream cone would never end. Then, as you get older, and wiser, you come to learn that there are such things as endings, and even if you loved the characters enough to call them family, or you would be willing to eat that particular sweet for the rest of your life – you simply cannot.

Since it is in human nature to never let things go (sometimes), we are taught to deal with the loss, and that forever simply cannot be. Even if science were to allow us to live beyond the realm of time, what would that make us? Lonely? It’s hard to think about existence in a timeline that stretches on, for an eternity, and then some.

ouchie kaname

Whether it’s an event, novel or place in particular, nothing is eternal, so our serviceable substitute,  we are now conditioned to believe that while things may not last forever, they always have a way of coming back to us. Sometimes, it is expected, sometimes,  it may be in  the most surprising way imaginable.

Even if we are not equipped to deal with even the concept of forever, I should think that holding things close to your heart ‘as long as possible’ shall suffice for now.

bats yuki

After all, isn’t it true, that…

hana to akuma     hogwarts home

No matter which fandom you are from, I’m sure you’ll appreciate while forever is beyond our grasp, at least this means we’ll never be alone.

~ Persephone


can i keep it