Duet of the Century, courtsey of Shingeki no Kyojin

Fangirling about Shingeki no Kyojin aside, this is an amazing song. Played by two people whose piano skills are out of this World.

Of course, this theme is perfect for SnK regardless. The amount of ass kicking involved suits this adrenaline filled song entirely. Mostly done by the almighty Corporal Levi-sama. And maybe Eren as a Titan. Maybe.

eren 3d maneuver gear  and then much …  spinning,leap high more spinning~ spinning

And generally, a short but hot guy with this unexplainable attractive haircut that pwns all.

(At this point, I realised I should do separate posts about all my fandoms before my brain explodes with their sheer awesomeness.)

what dafuq

Not even kidding. I personally have Grade 8, which already stretch me too thinly and I can’t even explain how that miracle happened, but only that it did. However, we’re talking about another level entirely. When you reach this level, it’s almost as if you’ve achieved the status of a deity. Animenzzz and Tehishter. You guys deserve a -sama after your name.

Technically, this is a challenging piece of music for sure. The duet also means it’s not easy having to cooperate with another person, tempo wise – it’s a tough job. Then, let’s not forget that this song is sung with a whole host of guitars, drums etc. etc. You’re doing this on a piano. All of it. And it sounds good. Scratch that. OUT OF THIS WORLD, AMAZINGLY AWESOMESAUCE.

When I  listened to this (for the first time, of many)…

what the hell

When can we start building the shrines and worshipping you guys?

Waiting for Sherlock Series 3

I effing hate Moffat.

pissed off

We’ve waited for so long. Waited for Sherlock to show that he’s not dead and to kick some more ass with his beloved Watson. GODAMNIT!

Looking for something

Waiting for series 3 is like waiting for the ‘apocalypse’. Do you know when it will finally arrive? No. Do you know if your life is ever going to be the same again after it? No. I’m sure Tumblr has done a much better job of articulating this, and I know I’m not the only one in the fandom. But filming has finished. Can we finally get Benedict Cumberbatch back in a long coat and blue scarf? Oh, and of course, John’s moustache. I think everyone wants an explanation, as to why his way of dealing with the grief of losing his best friend is growing facial hair, that borders on flattering and disturbing.

not the fridge

Sometimes, I love the people who manage to turn something intended for the last century, Victorian era, and make it an obsession for the youths of the 21st century. But do you know what?! It’s damn hard waiting for something that doesn’t have an end. It’s like running around a Mobius strip. We wait months and what do we get? A trailer. A seconds long trailer that gives us nothing more than a glimpse of only the beginning of many viewings.

still not dead

Of course, let’s not forget my Benaddiction!


If this was a thing like Jedi is a religion in the Census. I’d select it. No questions asked.

If every day we spent waiting for the next season to arrive was equated to tears we’ve shed for the fandom, we’d have enough liquid to drown Moffat. Painfully.

And you know what?

I regret nothing

Give us Sherlock and no one (else) will get hurt.

~ Persephone

First week in the Underworld

R.I.P Gilbert

So, what has gone on lately?

Sooo, sooo much.

First of all, my friend who lives in another country is coming on a plane, to England tomorrow. *squels* A cyber best friend is no good when all you want to do is fangirl and hug and cry together about all the shit in your fandom. *deep breath* But sooon we’ll have our time.

hell yeah

English. This is tough. I’m considering basing my whole future on this subject. And so far, I’m liking one teacher more than the other. I enjoy lessons about Victorian context, poetry, plays and novels – over Fingersmith our set text. O__O I know… It’s hard to get into the novel. I don’t know if it’s the writer, but I can read it, but I don’t particularly like it. It’s almost as if the writer is trying too hard? I miss Lady R, and most of all, I have had so much trouble deciding what to do with the Access to Bristol scheme chance. I know I’m just applying for it, and the chances of me even getting in are slim – but it’s something to consider beforehand. Missing lessons is a big deal for me, and even if it’s 2 English lit. lessons and 1 Biology lesson for 8 weeks (alternating) – it doesn’t sit well with me. Also, this idea of doing English as a career, taking it in uni? What will I do with English? Really become a teacher?! My ultimate goal of becoming a writer or anything remotely creative rests on only being a side job. *sighs*

Biology isn’t particularly anything really. Besides from the hardest subject – proteins (yes, I sound stupid, but the depth we’re going into now? It’s all about quaternary structures, αhelixes). And doing Biochemistry at uni is much like Law for me. It’s an idea but won’t go any further – probably. And as much as it sounds like Biomedical sciences, it’s not – but I would be researching medicine, I guess, if I took it.

Chemistry is all over the place. One teacher doesn’t really know what she does,  but is a good teacher regardless because she can engage the class and listen to our bad Chem jokes. But the other one? She’s old, deadpans and I don’t know what to make of her. And her face. Also, I’m not holding a grudge or anything, but I swear she rubbed me the wrong way too far when she talked about how she failed English because it was a useless subject anyway.

that bitch

History – well, I can say I didn’t do too well for first impressions on homework. For some reason (I was ill and woozy, seriously I take so many drugs just to keep alive). But I’m better(ish) now! I mean, I’m still ill, but at least my liver won’t hate me so much for dosing up so much so I don’t come down with a fever or something.  I enjoy learning more about German and Anti-Semitism to an extent, before it becomes too repetitive. But Tsarist Russia? It’s hilariously worrying. What the heck was Alexander II thinking emancipating the serfs?! Oh, and of course, Hitler in Mein Kampf. Every revolutionary leader (well, different) is slightly wrong in the head, I swear.

All in all, I’m settling in more, for sure. And I’ve had lots to think about in terms of extra-curricular. I’m also doing Envision, for some debating and issue solving in and around our community. I’m taking up Japanese again (the hole is getting bigger) and then of course we’re back to Access to Bristol. Gosh damnit! I’m applying to do English. For sure. (Once I send the techies an email telling them how the online application is a massive fail and doesn’t work. Maybe volunteering for my Chinese school again. ALL FOR A CV.

I’ve also thought more about where I want to go for uni. Bristol, Birmingham and London are big city unis that are relatively close, so I’ll try them first. College wise, I guess Royal Holloway, and King’s for London. I’m not sure about Birmingham and Bristol though. Cambridge is a far away dream. A girl from Nishimiya went to Murray Edwards college there this year, and I’m obviously not going for Oxford, but I’ve got so many college ideas! St. Johns (Uncle Allan’s alma mater), King’s and Trinity Hall.


I have no words for what I’m feeling right now. Or what is going through my head 24/7 – except that it’s one big mess. *inner turmoil*

~ Persephone