One week in, still going strong

OK, so it’s been just over a week since starting my new school (should have done this on Saturday but nah), and so far it’s all going really well. Classes are hard, especially Maths and Law, but it’s a good kind of hard (hehe), challenging, which is what I’ve always wanted at school, so I’m having a whale of a time.

First off is Law which is very complex and mostly involves learning case after case after Latin phrase. The memorizing aside, it’s very interesting and the teacher is talkative and engaging, even though there are a lot of spelling and grammar errors in the handouts she gives us. I’m thinking about taking Latin GCSE in my spare time, I’m going to see the teacher on Wednesday to talk to him, but I’ve always secretly wanted to do it just to see what everyone is always on about and it’d be so helpful with my Law at the moment.

Secondly is Maths. I did a pre-AS test last Thursday which I needed to get 70% on, then I get one resit where I have to get 75% before I’m signed up for compulsory extra help. I’m getting the results tomorrow so I’ll know soon enough but it’s still quite scary seeing as none of the teachers even know my name, let alone my skill set. Otherwise Maths is going fine, not too bad, a little confusing at times, but I’m still getting used to new teaching styles.

Then there’s English. I’ve got a really nice table and we work really well together, but I’ve been put in a mixed group to work with one of my favorite people, Nike. Not looking forward to it, but as you said, there’s no point in holding grudges, so I will find common ground by talking about jazz music and hopefully we can produce a good project. I’m also reading 1984 for fun, which is absolutely amazing, just completely mind-blowing, the way Orwell contemplates the validity of absolutely everything, even our own thoughts, is fascinating, and sometimes scarily realistic.

Lastly, Computing. We’re starting work on binary code next lesson which is super super exciting and the other teacher is mostly doing boring standard old fact learning stuff. Sitting next to Mark who I think is my friend now, he keeps asking how I am, that is a friend thing right? Or do I look ill…

In response to your comments on a relaxed atmosphere, there are literally about five rules, and then they just trust you to use your common sense. It’s amazing, I fee like I’m finally growing up. The teachers always arrive late because they come all the way from main school then they just leave when they’re done with the lesson plan it’s great. I auditioned for West Side Story and it was terrifying, this woman just ran over this routine like twice then had us all perform it and my memory doesn’t work that quickly, so I basically just horrifically embarrassed myself in front of loads of people I don’t know. I’m going to join the Feminist Society, the French Society (yes I am still a Francophile I can’t turn it off), the rowing club (always secretly wanted to do that), the mooting society (pretend courts), and I’m volunteering my service to the KS3 English department.

So, life is looking up.
Also Glee.

One thought on “One week in, still going strong

  1. Long time no post! I’m glad to hear that something is challenging you for once! 😉 Your brain needs stretching all the time to work at it’s best, so something that you found hard, but managed to figure out is great. (I’ll do my first-ish week at school in a post in a moment…)

    So Law sounds fun! I’m not regretting not taking it, and honestly, I’m going to go for English in uni too. It’s not that I don’t think about doing Law , but that it’s not my thing anymore. Lots of Latin, eh? Hmm… I don’t know about being able to handle Latin and do AS levels at the same time – I started in Year 8, after all, to get to my level at GCSE. I mean, it’s one of the 4 subjects which I just got an A in! (Not sounding pretentious, but clearly, it’s one of the subjects I wasn’t as good at. :P) If there is anything you don’t understand, I could always help! But realistically, I don’t think it’s quite possible, but if me telling you this spurs you on – then by all means give it a shot! I liked it, and it’s logic. Totally up your alley. But it’s not Miss Ace – who is the best (biased, but sue me, she got all A*s and As in her class, enough said). Uncle Allan did say how useful it was to know Latin when doing Law. But I’m sure you don’t regret doing Russian instead of Latin all those years ago. ^-^

    Maths, I don’t really have an opinion about, except my fingers are crossed for your results? And then uhh, English … I miss you. A lot. Nike is in the same class as you? Okay… 1984 is a worthy project to take on!

    Binary ?! Oh my god. Like… 011011110110100000100000011011010111100100100000011001110110111101100100
    Mark… I just don’t think he knows what your ‘normal’ face is. I’m sure you look fine. Boys *shakes head*~

    Yup yup. Auditions are like that. Same with orchestras etc. You get 5 mins to sightread a piece and then you play together the next second. It’s a tough life. You have societies?! The only extra-curricular I’m probably going to get is starting up Japanese lessons again, Evergreen (yes, the band is still alive) and… maybe helping out occasionally at my Chinese school and the Access to Bristol thing. IF I GET IN.

    Life. I have no life. I’ve also thrown myself into a new fandom. Shingeki no Kyojin Or Attack on Titan . It’s one of the less romantic (no romance at all…), more violent, action packed animes right now. I mean, you get humans, killing Titans. O__O I’m going to make you watch it with me. And no, just because I have many fandoms does not make me unloyal. I am fiercely loyal to everything I love. (Which may explain why I’m listening to the SnK OST right now too..

    This comment pwns other comments on length and content.

    ~ Sephy

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