“Do you think it…”

“Do you think it’s possible to fall in love with the idea of a person?”
– Little Numbers

Ok, this is from a Klaine fic. The best fanfiction ever written that should be a movie in its own right, or a published novel, like 50sog.

It’s just, wow, amazing, no words can describe how much I wanted to shove their faces together and make them kiss the whole way through this story.  The Klaine fandom never ceases to bewilder me by being the most fantastic and talented group of people. Not to mention compassionate, accepting, and all-round fabulous.

One thought on ““Do you think it…”

  1. Yes! I mean, have you seen the fictional guys lately? Talk about ideas of a person! ❤

    You're not the only one who believes other fanfics deserve more credit and are frankly amazing. One day, I'll show you my favourite, most eloquent fanfiction ever written and even though it's 'Vampire Knight' and not a fandom you'll enjoy complete with vampires (of course) you'll love it for sure. Or maybe not… it's is M rated… you know, for the blood. *looks around* and nothing else. 😛

    That’s a lot of fandoms you’re describing there. Frankly, if everyone joined up – as in, meeting in real person, from every fandom, the ‘togetherness’ of each group could take over the World! It’s a great feeling to know you belong. Like Hogwarts, welcoming you home O__O oops, that’s a big hole I’ve just dug. I will now disappear into the world of ‘Spirited Away’ ^-^

    ~ Sephy

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