Sleep? Who needs it?

I’m not quite sure how this site works yet, but I’m a quick learner and a total internet-obsessive, so I’m sure I’ll get the hang eventually!

In response to your previous post, yes, GCSE results were beyond fantastic (Yes, I am addicted to exclamation marks, no, I will not tone it down)! I’m known for being self-assured but I honestly had two of the worst years of my life and to come out of it with the super awesome results I did is nothing short of a miracle. It also proves that I am going to get my Nobel Prize, even if it kills me.

A big well done to you, P, your grades are beyond atmospherically good! That means they’re so good they’re beyond the atmosphere so they’re in space which is very good, trust me.  I’m a little scared of your general amazingness and future plans for world domination also we all know Asians will run everything and I’m already a quarter Nazi, so that’s a pretty bad start. Back to the point, you’re never getting rid of me, as I’m gonna stick around to document your rise to regent-like power.

On a Social Justice note, my mum found an article about amendment 28 being in our school’s (my old school’s) PSHE policies, and she has forwarded it to my Uncle Lee who is a barrister and as a member of the LGBT* community, a strong advocate for our rights.  She’s thinking about some kind of discrimination thingy, the details are sketchy still, but I’ll keep you updated on my crusade to destroy homophobia everywhere *wields sword above head and screams*!

~lady rainicorn

P.S. Nabbie’s not gonna happen again, so please stop with the obnoxious shipping merci.

3 thoughts on “Sleep? Who needs it?

  1. Hello! Do you want to be the not-Asian-half? Trust me, WordPress is a bazillion times easier to use than Livejournal. Also prettier. I’m doing a lot of editing and moving things around, it’ll be fine!

    Exclamation marks are fine. GCSE is the proverbial pain in the neck. Imagine having that for 2 years. Miracle, sure, but divine intervention – not so. Unless you believe in the holy god of manga. WHEN (please ignore the bold, I can’t use italics here) you get a Nobel Prize, methinks I deserve an honourable mention for keeping you alive thus far?

    Why thank you, Lady R, same to you ^-^ Friend, trust me, we’re equals here, and I remember your grades were so good they were ‘unholy’. I’m pretty sure when ‘Moses’ parted the Red Sea, he was holding out your results. *nods to self* I forgot that both our egos together could suffocate everyone in a room. When I rule, you’ll have a place by my side, and be witness to my tyrannical reign for sure. I wouldn’t want to lose such a good advisor, after all.

    Ah~ you forget, that the dolphins of our (my) school have a dark past. I’m sure that having an uncle as a barrister means a get-out-of-jail-free card. Kudos to us both then? Discrimination amongst teachers wasn’t clear. However, I remember certain individuals in English class being transparently homophobic. Glad they’re leaving, you, not so much. TT^TT *sniffs*

    When wielding a sword, I suggest shouting ‘HYAAA~’ – I hear it helped some guy named Link on his adventures.

    ~ Sephy

    P.S. You were my IRL OTP. Have faith and think about it some more. I’m not obnoxious. I’m Asian.

  2. You’re in charge of logistics I am very confused with this site. I will maybe include your name in the dedications ‘this book is dedicated to myself, and the members of my English Gang, because, lets face it, nobody was going to help me except you loons, and then I did all the cool bits by myself’. Was that a Homestuck reference or?? I do not understand your Asian references I am only a lowly Glee blogger.

    ~ Lady R

    • I don’t mind doing logistics. If I’m going to be less good at Maths, at least I can get a job that sounds like I’m good at it. It’s okay once you get the hang of it. Fiddling with buttons is not good at 3 in the morning (nearly 4).

      When I write my book, you’re going to be in the dedications for sure. I don’t read Homestuck… Link is the hero in the Legend of Zelda.. shame on you -_-

      You can ignore the otaku in me and the references, I’ll allow your Glee ones to slip by too, okay? ^-^

      Dolphins? You got it? Our founder was evil. Our school is evil. O__O

      ~ Sephy

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